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Vertex Form Equation and its Utilization

The vertex form is used in solving many questions in calculus, like measuring the projectile motion of a satellite in outer space. It is all the calculation that is used to spot a satellite along with its signals. Using the vertex form calculator to determine the equation of the parabola is quite useful in mathematics to apply the equation to various projectile motions. Would you believe, we don’t have the latest mobile communications and the latest dish transmission, as we use the vertex form to spot the satellite in outer space and to control it? The parabolic equation is used for various purposes like

  • In communications satellites
  • In satellite dishes 
  • The projectile motion of the missile 
  • To aim a target with a gun


In this article, we are discussing 3 forms or ways to write down the parabolic equation:

Uses of vertex form equation in Math:

The vertex form is an alternative way to represent the equation of the parabola in geometry. The quadratic equation is usually represented as ax2+bx+c. When this equation is used to be graphed. Then we need the vertex form of the parabola, the free online vertex form calculator converts the general form of the parabola into the vertex form. You just only need to enter the coefficient of a quadratic equation. The general form of the quadratic equation is  ax2+bx+c=0, the  y=a(x-h)2+k.

Parabola Vertex Form Vertex coordinates
y= 23 (x−8)^2− 1/ 3(8,-1/3)
y= 144(x+½)-2(-1/2,-2)
y= 14(x+3)-2(-3,-2)
y= 11(x+3)-1(-3,-1)

The vertices (4,17),(8,-1/3),(-1/2,-2),(-3,-2),(-3,-1),(-2.4,2.4) are used to draw the graph of the parabola.

The vertex form equation:

A vertex is a pint form in which the axis of eh symmetry starts a parabola, the coefficient of the x² term is in a positive form, and the vertex would be located at the lowest point of a parabola, the point at the base of the U-shape. If the coefficient of the x² term is negative the parabola would be pointed down words and the vertex would be at the highest point of the parabola, we can utilize the standard form to vertex form calculator to find the vertex form of a parabola:

The “vertex form” can be represented as

                            y=a(x-h)2+ k

The vertex form is useful in finding the direction of the parabola and the symmetry of the plane, we can use the graph of the parabola can be easily drawn by founding the symmetry of the plane, can use the graph the standard to vertex form calculator, to make the graph of the parabola. The Parabola can be upward, downward, rightward, or leftward in its direction. This is essential to draw a graph of the parabola, and we do need the quadratic equation to have parabolic graphs. 

The General form of the Parabola:

The general form of the equation of the parabola is y = x², where is the form of the parabola, we change the sides of the parabola by writing the equation  y² = x, we express this equation mathematically it would become y = √x, the equation of general to vertex form calculator can be used to find the equation of the parabola in general form r vice versa. The general form is usually used to find the coordinates of the parabola. 

So we can write the general form of the equation of the parabola in three ways:

  •  y = x²
  • y² = x
  • y = √x

It is best to use the general form  to the vertex by the convert to vertex form calculator. 

The standard form of the parabola:

The vertex to standard form calculator is used to find the point of the symmetry of the parabola, in the cartesian plane or the x,y plane. Now take two points on the graph (h,k), then we can write the standard form of now consider “m” is the slope of the parabola, then we can write the equation of the parabola as


  Where “ c” is the “y” intercept.

We can write down the equation as:

                   ( y-k)= m(x-h) +c 

                   (y-k)2= m(x-h)2+c


The vertices are used to draw the graph of the parabola in the algebra. You may find the conversion from the standard form and general form into the vertex form a little difficult. Just use the vertex form calculator to convert the other forms into the vertex form. The vertices are essential to draw the graphs of the projectile motion.

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